
You can configure what your audience sees after completing a Riddle.

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on BLOCK RESULTS: Configure display.

go to settings results

  1. Enable Display audience totals after each answer to show the results to date, including your own answer, after the user has selected their answer.
  2. You can then enable one or more of the statitics to display:
    • Display percentages for the audience to see these results as percentages.
    • Display number of participants for the audience to see these results as a whole number.
    • Display total votes for the audience to see the total number of votes cast so far.

    block results
  3. Enable Reveal results later to make results appear at a later date and / or time (poll only).
    You can then:
    • Set up a Reveal date using the calendar icon.
    • Add 'reveal results later' text.

    reveal results later