Personal details

You can combine any of these blocks into your Riddle.

1. Name

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Name.
    add name block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "What's your first name?", into the Title field.
    personal details name add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details name add media
  4. Add a Label and Field instructions (optional if you want to give your audience more guidance).
    personal details name add form content

2. Email

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Email.
    add email block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "How should we contact you?", into the Title field.
    personal details email add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details email add media
  4. Add a Label and Field instructions (optional if you want to give your audience more guidance).
    personal details email add form content

3. Phone

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Phone.
    add phone block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "If you prefer to be contacted by phone, give us your phone number.", into the Title field.
    personal details phone add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details phone add media
  4. Add a Label and Field instructions (optional if you want to give your audience more guidance).
    personal details phone add form content

4. Website URL

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select URL.
    add url block
  2. Type your question or title, such as "What's your company's website?" or "What website did you find us on?", into the Title field.
    personal details url add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details url add media
  4. Add a Label and Field instructions (optional if you want to give your audience more guidance).
    Any URL will need to follow this structure: https:// + site name.@, into the field.
    personal details url add form content

5. Country selector

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Country selector.
    add country selector block
  2. Type a question, such as "Where do you live?", into the Title field.
    Your audience can then select a country from the prefilled dropdown list.
    personal details country selector add title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details country selector add media
  4. Add a Label and Field instructions (optional if you want to give your audience more guidance).
    personal details country selector add form content
  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Data & Tracking consent.
    add data and tracking consent
  2. By default, this block contains a checkbox for your audience to grant consent to combining answers with form data. You can therefore leave this block as it is, or make additions or changes as described below.
    default data and tracking consent block preview
  3. Add a Title and/or image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    personal details data and tracking consent add title and media
  4. The Consent checkbox to allow the audience's Riddle responses to be included with their form data is enabled and filled out for you by default.
    Disable Consent checkbox if you don't need this.
    Edit the Label, Description, and Checkbox text as required.
    personal details data consent checkbox setup
  5. Enable Consent checkbox for tracking to ask your audience to give their consent to their custom trackers being used in this Riddle.
    Edit the Label, Description, and Checkbox text as required.
    You could add links to your privacy policy or terms and conditions for audience's ease of reference.
    personal details tracking consent checkbox setup
  6. Click on the Options icon next to Form content to enable Display Riddle's privacy message.
    personal details consent display riddle privacy message
  7. Click on the Options icon next to Form content to enable Show lead ID.
    personal details data and tracking consent show lead id



personal details media options

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Answers, disable Show media or select a Media ratio.


personal details enable description

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Form options, enable Description.

You can now add extra information or guidance for your audience in the Description field under Form content. Some blocks already have a description field by default.


personal details enable prefilled text

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Under Form options, enable Enable prefilled text.

You can now click on the % icon in the Prefilled (default) text field under Form content and select a parameter from the dropdown menu.

This pre-exisitng user data from your site will now be prefilled into the block, saving time and increasing conversions.


personal details make block compulsory

Go to the options icon on the right of Form Content.

Enable Disable skip button to make the block required and to remove the skip button.


personal details advanced validation

Click on the Options icon, enable Advanced validation options and enter your regular expression without the leading "/" and without the trailing "/igm".

You can now ensure entries follow a certain format, such as having a certain number of digits for phone numbers and/or having a certain starting number or letter.