Quiz prompts

You can combine any of the different prompt blocks below.

1. Single-select question

Your audience picks one answer from a list of choices.

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Single choice.
    add single-select block
  2. Insert a question into the Title field.
    quiz single-select title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    quiz single-select add media
  4. Insert the answers into the Answer content fields.
    quiz single-select answer content
  5. Insert explanations into the Answer explanations field(s) (optional).
    quiz single-select answer explanations
  6. Select a correct answer.

quiz single-select change correct answer

2. Multi-select question

Your audience can pick more than one answer.

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Multi-select.
    add multi-select block
  2. Insert a question into the Title field.
    quiz multi-select title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    quiz multi-select add media
  4. Insert the answers. Add as many answers as you want by clicking on Add an answer.
    Click on the cross next to the answer to make it into a correct answer.
    quiz multi-select answer content
  5. Insert explanations into the Answer explanation field(s) (optional).
    quiz single-select answer explanation


By default, every correct answer is worth one point with one correct answer needed to get the point, and the audience has an unlimited number of answer selections.

To change the score per question, go to the options icon on the right of Answer content.

To have a score per question, enter your preferred Score and # correct answers to get "correct" message.

quiz multi-select scoring per question

To change the score per answer, change Scoring type to Answer and adjust the scores next to the answers.

quiz multi-select scoring per answer

To limit the number of selections, disable Ulimited number of selections and then enter your chosen maximum.

quiz multi-select max selections

3. Tap and find

The answers are displayed as hotspots directly in the question image. Users tap the image to find the answers and a green circle appears when a correct point is found.

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Tap and find.
    add tap and find block
  2. Insert a question into the Title field.
    quiz tap and find title
  3. Insert an image into the Image field.
    quiz tap and find image
    A circular hotspot will appear which you can click and drag to the right place for a correct answer.
  4. Click on Add a hotspot and repeat the process for as many points on the picture as you like. To delete a hotspot, click on the three dots next to the hotspot and then DELETE.
    quiz tap and find add hotspot
  5. Change the hotspot from a circle to a rectangle by selecting Rectangle from the dropdown menu under the image.
    quiz tap and find rectangle hotspot


quiz tap and find guesses

By default, your audience has one guess. To change this, go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

To change the number of guesses, type a number in the # of guesses or enable Unlimited guesses. To change the icon or text, select a Guesses icon and enter a Guesses text.

4. Order it

Users have to put the answers in the correct order (e.g. 'Rank these players from lowest to highest scoring.') or order of their choice (e.g. 'Tell us what the best to worst workplace benefits are for employees.').

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Order-it block.
    add order it block
  2. Insert a question into the Title field.
    quiz order it title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    quiz order it add media
  4. Insert the answers. Add as many answers as you want by clicking on Add an answer.
    quiz order it answer content


quiz order it rank

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content and enable Rank order. Select a format and order.


quiz order it show correct order

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content and enable Show 'correct order' button.

5. Type the answer

Users write their own answer to your question in a free text box, which replaces the answer buttons.

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Type the answer.
    add type the answer
  2. Insert a text into the Title field.
    quiz type the answer title
  3. Add an image by clicking on Add image, GIF, or video/audio file.
    quiz type the answer add media
  4. Insert the answers. Add as many answers as you want by clicking on Add an answer variant.
    quiz type the answer answer content
  5. Insert explanations into the Answer explanations field(s) (optional).
    quiz type the answer answer explanations


quiz type the answer spelling options

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content and enable Not case-sensitive and/or Ignore space.

6. Spot the difference

Users can compare two images and have to spot the differences between them.

  1. Click on ADD A BLOCK and select Spot the difference.
    add spot the difference
  2. Insert a question into the Title field.
    quiz spot the difference title
  3. Insert an image into the Original image box.
    quiz spot the difference original image
  4. Insert an image into the Compare image box.
    A circular hotspot will appear which you can click and drag to the right place in one of the images for a correct answer. The corresponding hotspot in the other picture will move with it automatically.
    quiz spot the difference compare image
  5. Click on Add a hotspot and repeat the process for as many points on the picture as you like. To delete a hotspot, click on the three dots next to the hotspot and then DELETE.
    quiz spot the difference add hotspot
  6. Change the hotspot from a circle to a rectangle by selecting Rectangle from the dropdown menu under the image.
    quiz spot the difference rectangle hotspot
  7. Insert explanations into the Answer explanations field(s) (optional).
    quiz spot the difference answer explanations


quiz spot the difference guesses

By default, your audience has one guess. To change this, go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

To change the number of guesses, type a number in the # of guesses or enable Unlimited guesses. To change the icon or text, select a Guesses icon and enter a Guesses text.



quiz single-select change order of answers

Click and drag the 6 dots on the left of the answer field to move the answers up or down.


quiz singl-select options shuffle answers

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

Under Answers, enable Shuffle answers.


quiz single-select options media

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

Under Answers, disable Show media or select a Media ratio.


quiz single select options answer explanations

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

Under Answers, enable Description. You can then enter descriptions under the Answer content.

Choose whether the explanation should appear as a pop-up or below question.


quiz singl-select options no rw

The default is that there are right and wrong questions.

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content. Under Answers, disable Right or wrong question.

If you have answer explanations enabled, the answer explanation will have a neutral rather than a right / wrong color.


quiz singl-select options answer scoring

The default is one point per question.

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

Under Answers, adjust as you want and change the score to per answer by clicking on the arrow on the right of Question and selecting Answer. You can then adjust the numbers in the Answer content field.


quiz change style

Go to the options icon on the right of Answer Content.

Under Style, you can change the Layout from Stack to Row.