Guesses and lives

Tap & find, Order it, Type the answer, and Spot the difference blocks have integrated Guesses and Lives functions.

The Guesses function gives the audience a certain number of guesses for that block. The default number of guesses is one.

guesses settings

Give your audience unlimited guesses

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Enable Unlimited guesses.
    unlimited guesses

Change the guesses icon

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Click on the arrow next to Guesses icon and select an option from the dropdown menu.
    There are three types:
    • Heart
    • Numerical
    • X

    guesses icon

Change the number of guesses

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Change the number in the # of guesses field.
    number of guesses

Switch off the guesses display

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Disable Display no. of guesses.
    switch off lives

Change the guesses text

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Change or delete the text in the Guesses text field.

guesses text

Guesses and lives

Tap & find, Order it, Type the answer, and Spot the difference blocks have integrated Guesses and Lives functions.

The Guesses function gives the audience a certain number of guesses for that block. The default number of guesses is one.

guesses settings

Give your audience unlimited guesses

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Enable Unlimited guesses.
    unlimited guesses

Change the guesses icon

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Click on the arrow next to Guesses icon and select an option from the dropdown menu.
    There are three types:
    • Heart
    • Numerical
    • X

    guesses icon

Change the number of guesses

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Change the number in the # of guesses field.
    number of guesses

Switch off the guesses display

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Disable Display no. of guesses.
    switch off lives

Change the guesses text

  1. In the block, click on the Options icon.
  2. Change or delete the text in the Guesses text field.

guesses text