Leads & CTA

You can analyze every aspect of your lead generation form performance and see how effective your call to action buttons are. Leads are tracked as soon as you include any form block.

  1. Select or deselect any colored key at the bottom of the graph to isolate the data you need on the line graph.
    isolate lead data
  2. Hover over any line to see the data summarized for any given date.
    hover over leads graph
  3. The default view and time range is set to current week. To view live stats, click on the down arrow on the right and click on LIVE STATS. As soon as the Riddle is viewed or played, all associated statistics will appear on this dashboard here as they come in without refreshing the page.
    live stats
  4. To filter the stats to a specific time frame, click on the down arrow on the right, select a date range, and click on VIEW.
    filter time range
  5. To compare two custom time ranges, click on the down arrow on the right, select and input Custom date ranges, enable Compare with, and click on VIEW.
    compare time ranges
  6. To delete stats, click on the three dots on the right, click on RESET STATS, and in the pop-up that appears select the checkbox and click on OK.
    reset statistics for this Riddle
    Caution: This will delete all stats for this Riddle.

Understand lead generation

Lead generation is your leads stats and a visual represenation of those figures.

understand lead generation

There are five different statistics:

  1. Leads - the total number of tracked entries in form blocks.dLeads are the total number of tracked entries in form blocks.
  2. Completed leads - the total number of users that finished a Riddle.
  3. Incomplete leads - the total number of users that finished the first block of your Riddle.
  4. DOI unconfirmed leads - the total number of users that completed the Riddle but did not confirm DOI via the DOI email.
  5. Unique leads - the total number of leads minus duplicates

Understand form breakdown

Form breakdown is a set of stats for each form (lead) block in your Riddle.

understand form breakdown

There are five statistics for each form block:

  1. Form block type
  2. Block ID - the number assigned to that block
  3. Views - the number of times the block was opened
  4. Submits - the number of times someone clicked on the 'Submit' (or your customized equivalent) button.
  5. Skips - the number of times someone clicked on the 'Skip' button

Submits and Skips are also displayed as a horizontal bar chart with the percentages and raw numbers of your audience.

Understand CTA performance

CTA (Call to action) performance is the number of times a CTA button on the result page was clicked and what percentage of all the CTA clicks this represents. If you only have one CTA button in your Riddle, the percentage will therefore be 100%.

understand cta performance

Download leads

download leads

  1. Go to Analyze.
  2. Click on Leads & CTA.
  3. Click on DOWNLOAD LEADS.
  4. Select the format you would like your lead statistics to be in:
    • CSV is a generic format which you can then open in a tool of your choice.
    • XLSX is the native Excel format so it is easier to open in Excel.
  5. Done. The leads will download directly onto your device.

Understand downloaded leads sheet columns

In addition to showing you the data from every content / form block, your downloaded leads sheet also shows you other information.

downloaded leads sheet

  1. Timestamp (UTC)
    This is the time when the Riddle was completed.
  2. Time taken (ms)
    This is the amount of miliseconds your audience spent on the Riddle. This time only includes question blocks.
  3. Lead ID
    This is a randomly generated code to identify this person.