Result page

You can create a result page for your users where they see their score, title, or other text.

The default page(s) appear(s) automatically when your audience completes the Riddle. You don't have to click on or change anything. There are two default result pages for a quiz, and one default result page for the others Riddle formats.

default result pages

You can also customize the result page(s). There are six different elements you can have and edit on your result page.

  1. Click on Add a result block bottom left in the CREATE section.
  2. Choose Result.
    rpb add result

1. Add media

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Media.
    rpb add media
  3. Click in the ADD MEDIA box and select your media source, drag and drop, or click to search your files.
    rpb add media box
  4. Click on the media to view the image formatting options.
    • Choose between Media covers complete area and Media fits container.
    • Choose between Send image to the foreground and Send image to the background.

    rpb media edit format
  5. Double click on the media and then click on EDIT IMAGE to filter, resize, crop, draw, text, shapes, stickers, frame, corners, or merge.
    rpb edit image

2. Add text

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Text.
    rpb add text
  3. Double click the box and enter your text.
    rpb enter text
  4. Make any text style changes using the text editor menu that appears above the text block.
    rpb edit text

3. Add a CTA button

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Button.
    rpb add cta button
  3. The default label is "Click me".
    rpb default button
  4. Click on the CTA button and then on the Edit button content icon.
    rpb edit button content
    • Enter the button text next to Label.
      rpb button label
    • Enter the button link next to Link.
      rpb button link
    • Enable or disable Open in new tab to decide whether the linked page opens in the same or new tab.
      rpb button new tab
  5. Click on the CTA button and then on the Edit button style icon.
    rpb edit button style
    • Go to Color and then choose colors for each object.
      rpb edit button color
    • Go to Text and then select your preferences for font, capitalization, spacing, height, and alignment.
      rpb edit button sizing

4. Add answered blocks

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Answered blocks.
    rpb add answered blocks
    Answered blocks will appear here.
    rpb answered blocks
  3. Click on the Answered blocks element and then on the Edit icon.
    rpb answered blocks options
    • Enable Hide block images to hide block images that you have inserted into your Riddle but do not want your audience to see right now.
    • Enable Hide answer media to hide the answer media that you have inserted into your Riddle but you do not want your audience to see right now.
    • Enable Display percentages for the audience to see these results as percentages.
    • Enable Display number of participants for the audience to see the number of participants that have taken part so far.
    • Enable Display total votes for the audience to see the total number of votes so far.

5. Add share buttons

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Share buttons.
    rpb add share buttons
  3. Facebook, X, and WhatsApp are the default share buttons and ready to use without any other change.
    rpb default sharing
  4. Edit the text in Label.
    rpb edit share label
    • Enable Customize share messages under the General section and fill out every field, and add an optional image.
      rpb customize share messages
    • Select the network(s) you would like under Networks, enable Customize share messages for any of your selected networks, and fill out every field/add an optional image.
      rpb share networks
    • For further networks, scroll down and click on Other networks.
      rpb other share networks

6. Add result score

  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the ADD button and select Result score.
    rpb add result score
  3. The default result / score element is ready to use without any other change.
    rpb result default
  4. To edit, double click on the score and click on the Edit icon.
    • Select a format.
      rpb result format
    • Select colors for the circle, background, and text.
      rpb result colors
    • Disable Fill circle to grid size to manually input the circle radius.
      rpb result circle size

    go to poll general settings
    show result page after closing date



  1. Go to Settings and select General: Global controls.
    go to poll general settings
  2. Scroll down and enable Show the result page after the closing date.
  3. Select Result page from the dropdown list.
    show result page after closing date


  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on an element.
  3. Click on the delete icon.
    rpb delete element


  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on an element and drag it to your preferred position.
  3. There are gridlines in the background to help you position the elements.
    rpb move element


  1. Go to Results under Blocks in the CREATE section.
  2. Click on the back or forward arrow next to RESULT.
    rpb undo changes