Gather zero-party data

Get reliable, rich zero-party data through Riddle’s quizzes, with zero privacy worries.

Why you should choose zero-party data

Zero-party data is the highest-quality and most reliable data source you can get, outperforming second and third-party data.

Zero-party data is information your users give you directly. When people engage with Riddle’s quizzes and interactive content, they willingly share this with you.

How Riddle can help your business today

Get deeper consumer insights

Go beyond demographics by using insights to shape customer segments around behaviors, preferences, and needs.

Create targeted, personalized content

Boost engagement and conversions with personalised, targeted content made possible by insights.

Build trust by giving users control

Our quizzes and interactive content give users full control, with the opportunity to opt in to data tracking and usage terms.

Track, measure & optimize data from quizzes

Measure data from your quiz funnels, and connect to tracking software to see how your content’s performing.

What our clients say
Riddle has become an essential tool for our marketing team. Their platform enables us to quickly and easily create engaging content that captures zero-party data, giving us a deeper understanding of our audience. Plus they are able to do it all while meeting Amazon's rigourous privacy and data security standards.
Steve Sarner
Steve Sarner VP Ad Sales and Program Management Amazon (Goodreads)
Riddle helps our Children's interactive team to quickly create engaging content that provide compelling data insights about our audience.
Derek Harvie
Derek Harvie Executive Producer BBC