Riddle Release Log

Riddle Release Log 2024 Blog Header

New Features & Improvements

Our release log is diligently updated each time we introduce new features to our interactive content tool and lead generation platform.

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Do you have an idea for improving Riddle? Let us know at hello@riddle.com or on support chat. We read and reply to everyone.

October 17th, 2024

New calculation method for leads & leads completed:

Based on many customer interviews, we decided that the metrics “leads” and “leads completed” were confusing. They made some sense from a technical perspective but were always hard to explain.

The calculation is now changed as follows:

  • Lead = one form field filled OR other option / free text filled OR data layer filled
  • Lead completed = submitted every required form field and lead identifier (if set) filled

The calculation is changed from today onwards. Old leads are not affected by the calculation change. Please note that you might see fewer leads for your Riddles now. But rest assured that the number of leads you can market to remains unchanged!


  • New CC & BCC fields for email automation: You can now easily copy yourself or someone from your team into every email automation.
  • Looker Studio: Individual Riddle stats now include the answer breakdown, making your reports more customizable and powerful.
  • Accessibility improvements: We have updated our embed to be fully WCAG 2.1-compliant. You can now play every Riddle block with the keyboard (the only exceptions are Tap and find and Spot the difference).
  • Possibility of updating all templates to the new layout: We now have a programmatic way of updating your templates to the new “Standard” layout if they still use one of our old layouts. If that is of interest to you, feel free to reach out!
  • Result page: Use palette values as the default value for elements. For new result pages and elements added, the default color is based on your palette. If you change your palette, the elements of your result page will also change accordingly.
  • You can, of course, overwrite the colors on the result page manually, just like before. In that case, palette changes don’t affect the color of your result page elements.


  • Logo: The width of the added logo showed 0 after it was added. This did not have any actual impact on the logo width but led to confusion.
  • Error messages: We now make sure error messages are always understandable for users. Sometimes, users were shown cryptic error messages in the embed, which led to confusion. If the message is unclear, we show a generic error message.
  • Palette and color picker: Re-using palette variables in the palette did not work and colors were transparent in the embed.
  • Predictor: Share buttons on the single block were not showing anymore.
  • Answered blocks: Block name pills were still showing on the result page when title and description was disabled on answered blocks. Now both are hidden. 

October 9th, 2024

New Captcha form block

You can now easily validate all your Riddle forms with captchas. You can choose from 3 different captcha options: Our own Riddle Captcha, Google ReCaptcha and Cloudflare Turnstile Captcha.

Our own Riddle Captcha works as a classical puzzle captcha, where users need to move a puzzle piece to the right place. We have designed our captcha to be highly secure, so you can be sure that your Riddle is almost 100% protected from bots when you use our captcha.

Both Cloudflare’s and Google’s captchas are working “under the hood”, meaning they verify user entries based on the user’s behaviour. Users will not need to fill out any puzzles, unless there are concerns about their integrity.

To set both up, you will need your own Google / Cloudflare keys and both might use cookies or violate your user’s privacy.

Embed placeholder

With our new Embed Placeholder, you can easily swap out the Riddle content that is displayed on your website, without re-embedding your content.

You can now create a placeholder and embed it. In the placeholder, you can make settings to determine, which Riddle should be shown on the placeholder.

The placeholder can show a static Riddle or Riddles based on different conditions (date & tags).

You can use the placeholder to plan your content over a longer time, to swap out daily/weekly quizzes easily, or to keep the quiz content on your website fresh!

The Embed Placeholder is part of our Business & Enterprise plan.

Predictor evolutions

We have further polished our Score Predictor to incorporate the feedback we got from our happy sports clients, that regularly use it for prediction games for their fans.

  • In the Creator, the Predictor now automatically extracts the color of an uploaded logo, making it even faster to create.
  • We added the “Auto advance” functionality, so your users can navigate quicker after they cast their vote.
  • You can now enable the “Show result page after closing date” functionality on the predictor, so you can show the results recap (overview of how all fans voted) after a match has started.

Other improvements:

  • The Matrix block now sends the assigned scale value instead of text to integrations. This allows you to make typical Likert scale calculations based on your user’s answers.
  • Better behavior for +/- buttons on “Reaction Poll” when “Choose” button is off. We now show the “Choose” button as soon as the +/- buttons are clicked. If a user clicks on the scale directly, his vote is cast immediately.
  • Automatically added “Answered blocks” to newly created “Poll / Surveys”. We have analyzed that 93% of polls & surveys created on Riddle contain the “Answered blocks” block on the result page. To save you the hustle of adding it every time you create a survey, it is now showing by default on new Riddles of the type “Poll / Survey”.


  • Riddle loses border radius on navigation. If your Riddle had a border radius (> 0) set in the palette, it was briefly reset to 0 between blocks. Now the border radius stays the same
  • Template page: Templates were shown twice on “All templates” if they were in multiple categories
  • Integration mapping – could not remove or edit fields without always triggering a test lead
  • Form in quiz not submittable after a connected leaderboard was deleted
  • Order it bugfixes:
    • “Correct / wrong” message showing after clicking “Show correct order”
    • “Correct / wrong” message appearing with unlimited guesses and indicators turned OFF in settings
  • Double Opt-in email dialogue: Toggle button for external redirect page did not work and all fields were showing, even if the button was off

September 29th, 2024

New table to visualize leads in “Analyze”

You can now easily access and analyze lead information in the “Analyze” tab. We will now show all leads in a table, so you don’t necessarily have to download the leads file anymore.

Future iterations of this feature include a global leads view that summarizes leads from different Riddles.

API & Lookerstudio improvements

  • Riddle API: New endpoint to list Riddles from all projects
  • Lookerstudio: New connector option to analyze Riddles from all projects
  • Stats API: The API response now includes the answer breakdown, allowing for an in-depth analysis of your Riddle content.
  • Builder API: You can now delete Riddles via the Builder API. Please note that only API-created Riddles can be deleted via the API as a security mechanism.

Improvements & Bugfixes:

  • If you inserted a form with integrations into a Riddle, leads were not sent to the form’s integrations.
  • Notifications are now displayed better in the Creator. You now see a preview of the notification once it was sent instead of simply seeing a red dot on the notification center. This immediately gives you a good overview of what we are communicating.
  • The “Play again” button did not have a proper hover state.

September 11th, 2024

Double opt-in confirmation via OTP code

We have introduced a new way of confirming email addresses in your forms: OTP codes.

Instead of waiting for users to confirm their email address with the traditional DOI email that arrived after the quiz finished, your audience can verify their email directly in the form itself with a one-time code. This will improve lead opt-in rates significantly: users have to confirm their email address to continue through the Riddle and therefore won’t delay or forget to confirm.

Unlike other quiz platforms, this OTP functionality is completely free across all our subscription plans. Of course we also still offer the traditional DOI email method.

Two more sidenotes: You cannot have the OTP verification and DOI email active at the same time. If you have your Riddle connected to a leaderboard and turn on the OTP verification, users will be sent one code that combines the functionality for entering a leaderboard and email verification.

Upvote improvements for Player-of-the-Match votes

Our upvote format is popular among our sports clients for Player-of-the-Match votes. One UX issue they encountered was that the “Choose” button could not be disabled. Some endusers missed that they still had to click on “Choose”, meaning some votes got lost.

You can now disable the “Choose” button for upvote (under Settings => General). The block will be automatically submitted if the user has upvoted the allowed number of items.

Here is an example of how you could use the upvote format for a Player-of-the-Match vote: https://www.riddle.com/view/rBAHen86

One more bug we fixed for upvote was images disappearing after voting.

Other improvements:

  • Save DOI unconfirmed leads:
    If you host a raffle, people have to leave their contact info to be notified in case they win. But you might also have an optional newsletter sign up box for which you send out double opt-in emails. You could previously only get these email addresses with Riddle if a user also confirmed their newsletter signup. Now you can enable “Save DOI unconfirmed leads” in the OTP / DOI settings (under Publish = > Privacy) to save all entries to your lead export. Users that confirmed their email address will be indicated in the export so you can filter the list and delete unconfirmed entries after your raffle ends.
  • Hide “right/wrong indicator” if answer explanation is shown below the question:
    Previously, the “right/wrong” message was duplicated if the answer explanation was displayed below the question. Now the “right/wrong” message is only displayed in the answer explanation.


  • Email automation did not work with variables for attributes:
    Attribute variables would appear as “(empty)” in the email automation.
  • Order it always displayed the order set in the Creator on the result page for polls/surveys:
    The order on the result page is now based on total votes, not on the order that you set in the Creator. This reflects all users’ choices better.
  • Likert/matrix columns were too close together if headers had long text names:
    We now separate the column headers more clearly, giving you the opportunity to use a scale value that is as long as you like.
  • Switching to the new layout in projects did not select the “Timeless” palette:
    If you switch to the new “Standard” layout, the embed preview looked strange and buggy. We have fixed the preview to reflect how the actual published Riddle will look.

August 7th, 2024

More AI features within Riddle

Our AI capabilities have expanded! In addition to quizzes, you can now effortlessly create polls, surveys, and personality quizzes using our advanced AI tools – experience faster and more impressive results with our updated model.
We use an updated and more recent model, leading to outstanding results. 

These new AI features will save you hours of time, especially when crafting engaging personality quizzes.

New “Rich text” and “Media” blocks for forms

Add rich text and media anywhere in your forms to enhance visual appeal and engagement. Improve communication and storytelling for higher completion rates and a better user experience.

Convert blocks in the Creator

Ever added the wrong block by mistake? Now, you can easily convert blocks within the Creator without the hassle of copy-pasting.

Now you can simply convert blocks in the Creator:

Please note that not all blocks can be converted into every format. Conversions work only where we can transfer all the data from the blocks.

Use Riddle on mobile phones

Our Creator is now fully mobile-friendly, allowing you to create and manage Riddles on the go with ease.

For example, you can now immediately enter results for your Predictors from your phone or open and close your polls without using your laptop.

While you can use all features on mobile, we recommend using a PC for the most convenient experience.

Change Riddle palette via Data Layer

In the Data Layer settings, you now have the option to change the palette of a Riddle via a Data Layer variable.

This allows you to change the appearance of your Riddle based on your website’s light or dark mode settings.

Alternatively, use the same Riddle with different styling across your websites. Keep all data in one Riddle while staying on-brand everywhere!


  • Reaction poll bugfixes:
    • “Choose” button setting was not working correctly. The setting did not affect the “Choose” button.
    • +/- buttons on mobile were stretched
  • Switching to the new “Standard” layout in the Creator caused the preview to look broken. This might have prevented you from switching to the new layout because it looked buggy. 
  • Closed polls showed a “Closed” overlay over “Answered blocks” on the result page. This impacted the “Show result page after closing date” functionality.
  • You could not edit form blocks when they were in columns.
  • Media added to the “Text / Media” block did not show in the Embed.
  • “I give up” text in blocks with lives now appears simultaneously as the “Choose again” button. It was delayed .5s before.
  • The countdown timer in quizzes did not work.
  • Deleting poll choices did not recalculate the stats. If you deleted a poll choice after publication, the Embed’s stats did not update. (Please note that this only works for single-choice blocks)
  • Images on the mobile result page were not full-width, even if they were set to full-width in the Creator.

July 24th, 2024

More data and new visualizations in “Analyze”

We have changed the default visualization in each Riddle’s “Analyze” tab. You can now analyze all metrics on a timeline chart, making connecting your Riddle data to your other data streams easier than ever.

On top of that, we added a right/wrong breakdown in the “Breakdown” tab. For quizzes, you now find a detailed overview of how many points your users scored there.

You now have a new metric in the “Leads” tab: DOI unconfirmed leads and a new graph visualization.

Rich Text Editor (RTE) improvements

Our rich text editor got a major update and now supports the following functionalities:

  • RTE for answer descriptions
  • All styles that might be copied with text from other sources (like Word) are now automatically stripped.
  • Subscript and superscript functionality
  • Use images in text fields
  • Usage of CSS classes and tables in the HTML editor
  • Harmonizing the font size of the text editor with the Embed font size. The text you write now has the exact same properties in the Creator as in the Embed.
  • All occurrences of the RTE are harmonized. Previously, some text fields did not always have the same options. Every text field now has all the options it needs.

New feedback mechanism for all blocks with lives

In quizzes, our blocks with lives have been updated with two new feedback mechanisms. These include “Order it,” “Tap and find,” “Spot the difference,” and “Type the answer.”

These blocks now have advanced block stats, indicating how many other users got the right or wrong answer. If the setting “Display audience totals after each answer” is switched on, these will show automatically.

Additionally, you can now let your users reveal the right answer (The right order for “Order it” was there before). This means your users can see all hotspots for “Tap & Find” / “Spot the difference” and reveal the right answer for “Type the answer.”
This is a block option for each individual block.

New Riddle example showcase

Have you ever wondered what you can do with Riddle? The answer: A lot.

Our new example showcase gives you many “out-of-the-box” ideas on using Riddle.

Our 16 examples range from creating PDF certificates, building a calculator, and saving Riddle events in a cookie to more practical examples of using our API or JS events.

You can check everything out at https://www.riddle.com/examples.

We will constantly add new examples for your reference. Let us know if you have an idea or proposal for a nice example we should build!

Other improvements:

  • Lead processing improvements:
    We have refactored the way that leads are processed and sent to integrations. This makes the sending much faster. We could reduce the time for a lead to arrive from up to five minutes to 30 seconds maximum. 
  • Advanced Google Sheets handling:
    We are now able to handle several Google Sheets issues. You can now rename sheets and workbooks and even delete sheets accidentally – your leads will still arrive properly in Google Sheets.


  • Embedded forms & DOI handling:
    If you had a stand-alone form with double opt-in configured and used the “Insert form” block in a Riddle to load this form, the DOI handling was buggy if the Riddle itself had DOI configured.
    Now, the form’s DOI settings are completely ignored if the parent Riddle that the form is embedded in has its own DOI settings. 

July 15th, 2024

New Predictor feedback stats

We are excited to announce a new feature that enhances the user experience on your Riddle Predictors!

As a creator, you can now add a Results Recap block on the result page of your Predictor. This new feature provides an overview of how users compare their votes with others. By showing how other users voted, your audience can compare their predictions, fostering a sense of community and competition. This feature is designed to increase user interaction and time spent on your content, making your Predictors even more engaging.

New Predictors will have the Results Recap block by default. You can easily add it to old Predictors on the result page.

Embed Riddles in newsletters.

Our data layer was enhanced with a new feature that makes integrating Riddle content into your newsletters and social media posts easier than ever before.
This new functionality utilizes unique data-layer links to track and pass user responses.

Each answer option on the first block in your Riddle gets a unique link. When a user clicks this link, their vote is recorded for that specific option. You can easily copy your question along with all answer choices in the provided HTML format. This makes it super simple to include Riddles in your newsletters.

For social media, individual links can be copied and used to engage your audience directly on various platforms.

Vote on the example below to see how it works.

What is your favorite Pasta?

Other improvements:

  • Predictor now uses all colors and palette settings. You can customize the display of the block instructions, button styles, background color, and much more.


  • Progress bar flowed “out of the Riddle” for Riddles with more than 30 blocks.

July 2nd, 2024

New Likert Scale / Matrix block for polls & surveys

Our new Likert Scale / Matrix block is a new interactive tool to gather customer feedback.
This block lets users rate different aspects of a service or product on a scale (typically from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree.”)

For publishers and sports teams using Riddle.com, this block is perfect for collecting valuable feedback from their audience. It helps measure user satisfaction, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed decisions. Plus, it boosts engagement by providing a simple and clear way for users to share their opinions, leading to more personalized and effective content creation.

Learn more in our help center

Massive Builder API improvements

The Builder API previously only featured the very simple creation of quizzes and polls, without much customization options. We have added over 20 improvements to our Builder API, making content creation with it easier than ever!

  • Create standalone Riddle forms
  • Create predictors
  • Add text / media blocks
  • Add answer explanations
  • Add free text questions
  • Add ad blocks (with iframe ad config & slots)
  • Add form blocks (including “Insert form”)
  • Add images to blocks (limited to 10 images per Riddle build)
  • Add more options to quiz / poll choices (shuffle answers etc.)
  • Specify result page blocks (if nothing is specified, use default result page like before), inlcuding adding a leaderboard result page block
  • Specify connections to leaderboard
  • Specify existing integration connections (add by name / webhook URL)
  • Specify used preset
  • Specify publish settings
  • Specify project to create Riddle in (only possible when using personal project token)
  • Check and improve error handling

All of the new features are also reflected in our new API documentation.


  • Email automation for personality quizzes with only one personality: The “winning personality title” variable was not properly replaced and showed only the label.
  • Google Sheets test leads did not go through (actual leads were not concerned!).
  • Couldn’t delete lead via “Search and delete leads” if Riddle is connected to a leaderboard.


  • Add title attribute to Riddle iframe for WCAG level A compliance.
  • Leaderboard OTP confirmation email is now localized to the language of the origin Riddle.

June 16th, 2024

New raffle feature: pick a winner from your leads

You can now quickly draw a winner from your leads, making using Riddle for raffles and giveaways easier than ever.

You can set conditions to randomly select a winner from your audience. Define specific criteria, such as a specific score, or just click on “Draw Winner” to pick any random entry from your lead forms.

QR code generator for Riddle landing page

You can now easily generate a QR code that directly leads to your Riddle’s landing page (riddle.com/view/RIDDLEID) or to any custom URL that you have embedded your Riddle on.

This is especially useful if you want to use your Riddle during live events, on a flyer, or in a presentation!

Hidden fields functionality in forms

You now have the possibility to make text fields in your forms hidden. This lets you prefill fields with any data you like – without them being seen by your users.

For fields that can be hidden, you will see the option in the form block options (accessible via the pencil icon next to each form block).

Answer explanation evolutions

You now have more customizing options for answer explanations. Instead of always showing them in a pop-up, you can now choose to show the explanation below your question.

If you choose to show the answer explanation in a pop-up, users will now have the possibility to navigate back to the question to look at the question’s results. 


  • New default configuration for form fields:
    If you add a new single form field, we autofill the “Label” with the form field name, to give you some more context about what data this field is capturing.
    If you add a new “Make a form” block, the default email and name fields are set to “required”, since this is the most popular use case for lead forms.
  • Correct / wrong indicators can now be configured separately for each question and “Answered blocks” on the result page. 
  • You can now include the “Winning personality” into the “Other results” on your result page, allowing you to create powerful scientific personality tests based on the OCEAN model.


  • “Insert form” stats were not right in the parent Riddle. We now show the right data when you use the “Insert form” block.
  • Poll stats were jumping around on result page.
  • Block in logic was not removed after it was deleted in CREATE, and some Riddles could not be published unless the logic was reset.
  • Logic was not properly reset after a block used in logic was deleted.
  • Audio autoplay: Background images could not be added, and autoplay was not working properly.
  • Personality quiz: Space was reserved in choices for choice results, even if they were turned off. 
  • Block timer bugfixes:
    • Block timer expired on start page (started when clicking anywhere) => no navigation possible
    • Block timer (pill) text flashed briefly on navigation
  • Zooming on tap and find on mobile counted as guess
  • Users could not transfer Riddles as transfer dialog was not showing all their projects

May 23rd, 2024

New option to show/hide the number of participants and total votes in quizzes and personality quizzes

Similarly to polls, you can now choose to show/hide the following feedback stats in each block for quizzes and personality quizzes:

  • Percentages for each choice
  • Absolute number of participants for each choice
  • Total votes for the whole block

Result page builder bugfixes/improvements

  • Answered blocks in polls: Give option to show/hide the block title. This is very useful for single block polls where you want to show the results and a different heading on the result page.
  • “Show correct/wrong” indicators can be be configured for blocks and the result page separately. That means you can now hide the correct/wrong indicators in every question, but show them in answered blocks on your result page.
  • Personality test “Other personalities” – new option to include the winning result in “Other personalities”.
  • Bugfix: Score animation was not fully accessible.
  • Bugfix: Winning personality block did not adapt its size automatically and sometimes added extra white space.
  • Bugfix: “Total Votes” on result page/ answered blocks were displayed even though it’s disabled.
  • Bugfix: Video block on result page was not perfectly 16:9 and showed black bars.
  • Bugfix: Result page with blurred image – elements below the image were not clickable due to the overlay.


  • Analyze screen download improvement: 
    There is now one button with a dropdown for leads/stats.
    Before, you had to navigate to the “Leads & CTA” tab to download your leads. Now you can download all data from “Analyze” conveniently via one button.
  • New default configuration for form fields:
    A newly added “Make a form” block now sets the default email and name field to “required”, which is the most popular usecase across all Riddle users.
    When adding a form field, we now automatically set the field name as a label, saving you time creating forms.
    The “Privacy block” now contains some default information, preventing some confusion around its usecase that came up. 
  • JavaScript events now contain a new data structure that parses form data. This new data structure allows for an easy way to access the form data from JS events and work with it.
  • Leaderboard block on result page now selects a leaderboard by default.
  • Better leaderboard preview in Creator.


  • Logo attribution did not disappear, even after it was deleted.
  • Changing the language in Creator did not change the language in the preview immediately.
  • Leaderboards didn’t work with “Insert form” blocks.

May 15th, 2024

Riddle Leaderboards

Give your quiz and predictor users a way to compare themselves to others with our native Riddle leaderboard. This is a powerful retention mechanism that makes your users want to come back to your website more often to compare themselves to others.

Leaderboards are a new Riddle type, which you can create from the normal “Create” screen.
In the leaderboard, you can connect Riddles, configure the scoring, and set up the leaderboard display.

Leaderboards can be used as a stand-alone Riddle that is embedded separately. You can also embed a leaderboard in your quiz or predictor result page immediately. It will be available as a block in our result page builder.

Leaderboards will be available for all our users. In our Essential, Pro, and Business plan, you will be able to connect one Riddle at a time to the leaderboard.
In our Enterprise plan, you can connect as many Riddles as you want to your leaderboard. This enables you to build a powerful leaderboard over a longer period of time – a leaderboard where people will be even more likely to return to!

Want to know more about how to create leaderboards, configure scoring, or how the leaderboard entry process and the nickname validation works? Find out more in our help center.

Example usecase I: Create a daily quiz contest

You can now connect your daily to a leaderboard. Simply create your quiz, and connect it to a leaderboard.

For basic engagement, you can create a single leaderboard for this one particular quiz.

For great user engagement, connect all of your daily quizzes to a leaderboard after you have created them, and watch your audience play and compete over the period of a week or even a month!

Example usecase II: Create a season-wide prediction game

Let your fans predict every single game of a season – and let them enter a prediction leaderboard that goes over the whole season!

With our newest score predictor evolution (more below), you can enter the correct results for the predictor. You’ll also be able to configure points for different predictable outcomes, which will then be reflected on the leaderboard.

Top tip: Place the leaderboard in your app or in your shop. This will make people use the app / visit your shop on a regular basis since they want to compare themselves to other fans.

Score Predictor improvements

You can now enter the correct result for your score predictors and configure points for your users to get for their predictions.

You can let your users predict any event like before – but now you have the possibility to enter the correct result for when the event is over. The correct result will be shown in the Predictor Embed.

If you have connected your predictor to a leaderboard, your users will get points as soon as the right result is entered.

Customize outgoing emails

All emails (DOI, Email automation, OTP email for leaderboards) can now be customized in Pro plans and higher.
You will be able to adapt your emails to your CI. This will improve the user experience as well as the opt-in rates.

Other improvements:

  • Timer improvements
    • You now have an option to pause the timer on non-Riddle blocks. This works for both the Riddle-wide as well as the block timer.
    • Individual block timers: Timer will be hidden on a block if the individual time is set to 0.
  • We have improved text saving when navigating quickly through a Riddle. Previously, some text could have been lost when you navigated immediately after writing it. We now auto-save text on modal close and navigation in Riddle.

April 24th, 2024

New notification center in Riddle

We now have a more direct way to engage with active customers with our notification center.

You will be notified about upcoming releases, incidents, feature additions, offers, and everything that concerns you as a creator directly.


  • Variables not saved in email automation:
    If you navigated too quickly out of the email automation, variables set in the subject were not saved.
  • Bugfix: Result page was counted as an “inaccessible block” and could therefore not be edited without the accessibility permission.
  • Bugfix: Polls with “Other” option could not be submitted when the “Choose” button was turned off. Now we always show the “Choose” button to submit “Other” answers.
  • Bugfix: Closed Riddle showed “Closed” overlay on result page.
  • Bugfix: Closed Riddle overlay description had no margin left/right on mobile.
  • Bugfix: Some elements in Order it were not visible in the “Peachy” and “Dark mode” palettes.

March 19th, 2024

The new Riddle Embed Layout is live

Long anticipated and finally here – the new Riddle Embed Layout is finally live!

Every new Riddle you create will be created in this new standard layout, which you can extensively customize via palettes.

You can also migrate your old Riddles in old layouts to the new layout within seconds – and make them look much better while fixing a wide range of bugs and hiccups.

If you are concerned your custom CSS will break, please reach out to us via support chat or by replying to this email. We offer a free CSS-migration service!

If you still want to use the old layouts, you can of course do so as well. If you want to use the old layout in new Riddles, simply copy old Riddles, use a preset with the old layout (in projects), or create Riddles from templates with the old layouts.

Find out more about the new embed layout and what changes there are compared to the old layouts here.

Other improvements:

  • Managing tags for Riddles became more intuitive. You can now add new tags and select previously added tags at ease.
  • “Choose” button improvements. Our previous setting “Allow answer changes in single choice blocks” was confusing to 90% of users we surveyed. We decided to change the option, renaming it “Show Choose button”, which is now decoupled from the auto-advance functionality. We believe this makes these options more intuitive and understandable.
  • If you apply a preset to your Riddle, you will see an indicator that prompts you to re-publish your Riddle. Only after publishing will your changes be visible in the live Riddle.
  • We now show the project ID in the projects overview, making it easier to reference your projects in API calls.
  • Double opt-in emails now support variables. You can send personalized DOI mails (emails starting with “Hello John,” instead of “Hi there”).


  • CTA-Button stats: We did not track clicks on buttons anymore. You now see an overview of clicks per button under “Analyze” => “Leads & CTA”.
  • Social Sharing bug: If you added multiple share blocks on your result page, the sharing did not work. We now limit the amount of allowed sharing blocks per result page to one.
    Please note that you can select as many networks as you want in one share block.
  • Bulk deleting Riddles in projects did not work.
  • API project list filter: If you were logged in to a project in Riddle and requested Riddles from a different project via API, you were returned the wrong Riddles.

February 8th, 2024

Pagination improvement

You now have the possibility to hide your pagination on non-question blocks. There is a new option under “Pagination” that allows you to exclude non-question blocks from the pagination.

If you turn that option on, non-question blocks will not be counted in the pagination and neither the progress bar nor the page counter will be shown on non-question blocks.
Please note that the result page is never included in the count.

Result page builder bugfixes & improvements

The Result page builder has gotten some important improvements and bugfixes, making it more stable and easier to use:

  • The share icons color and text color can now be fully customized.
  • The editor now shows your Riddle’s background color, text color, and fonts directly, to give you a better understanding of how the finished result page will look like.
  • If you add a new result block, it will look like the default blocks now.
  • Bugfix: Text editor resizing was not always working as intended.

If you click on “Browse templates” on any Riddle type, you will now only be shown templates of that specific type. This helps you to get a better overview.
The next major step for our template gallery will be a range of new templates, once the new embed layout (link) is live.


  • Could not add new integrations in Riddle 1.0
  • “Reset palette” button disappeared after resetting a palette change
  • Could not delete leads from a Riddle in a project, where you were not owner

January 17th, 2024

Improved collaboration features make working together in Riddle even easier

As more and more customers use Riddle company-wide to increase engagement, we have improved our collaboration features to make it even easier to add your colleagues to Riddle to collaborate on Riddle interactive content together.

The projects, user seats, and user roles are now exist together on a new “Collaboration” screen. This bundles all collaboration features in one place.

New role configurator

We have introduced a new role configurator for our Enterprise customers. With this configurator, you will be able to define access rights on a super granular level.
This way, you can make sure that everybody sees and does only what they are supposed to.

You can find out more about the different permissions, as well as the default role permissions in this help post: https://www.riddle.com/help/collaboration/your-user-roles#default-roles

In our Business plan, you can still add users as “Admin”, “Editor”, and “Author”.
In our Pro and Essential plan, you can only add “Admin” users going forward.
But don’t worry: The users you have added already will not be affected by this change.

Improved project list and projects

The project list has been redesigned and is now searchable. Especially with many projects, the old list could be challenging.

In addition, the project detail pages and settings page have been reworked. The first thing you now see is the list of your project members, which is the most important thing.

All settings that you used to see before are still there, just a few menu items further down the list.

Also, users in your projects can now create their own projects (if they have the right permission). This enables them to work on content privately, which can later be transferred to the project to share with everyone on the team.
The owner of the account will always be the project owner. The user who creates the new projects will always be an Admin in these.

Improved user management

We have moved the seats management from the account pages to our new collaboration page for better reference.

You can now add users to your account directly, and assign them to projects. You can also manage a user’s projects from the seats page.

Search + delete + failed leads functionality

You can now manually search and delete single leads or delete all leads from one Riddle upon request / privacy requirement.
There is a new page that is accessible via the mega menu. Screenshot
If you need more information on how to delete leads, you can find out more in this help post: https://www.riddle.com/help/leads/search-for-leads

Other improvements:

  • Ad settings and ad block are in new category “Monetization”:
    We have moved the ad settings in the Riddle settings and the ad block in the “Create” step to a new category “Monetization”.
  • Show poll result page after closing date:
    In polls, you can now choose to show the result page after the closing date has been reached. Simply select the desired result page to show and it will be displayed instead of the “This Riddle is now closed” message.
  • Require 2FA or email code to change email address:
    To make your Riddle account even more secure, you will have to confirm the change of your email address with 2FA. This prevents someone from hijacking your Riddle account without you noticing.
  • Add time taken to webhooks / JS events:
    The webhook as well as the JS events we send from Riddle now include the “Time taken”. This is the time the user spent on the Riddle. You can use this to measure the impact of a Riddle on your time on site or to build a custom leaderboard.
  • Add Riddle title to Cover page when creating a new Riddle.


  • Order it / Tap & Find bug with auto advance: Next button did not appear as expected.
  • Tap & Find / Spot the difference: “Next” button appears even though auto-advance is on.
  • Download leads as XLSX – saves as CSV.
  • Magic fields missing in email automation for personality.
  • Videos in answer explanations sometimes don’t autoplay.
  • Upvote & Quote does not take media orientation into account.
  • Video does not appear in any block if ‘original ratio’ selected at the block or Riddle-wide level.

Older release notes can be found here

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