Create a PDF certificate with PHP

You can capture a name and a quiz score to generate a certificate. You need to answer all questions correctly to print a certificate.

The code to save Riddle events to a session cookie

Place the code below on the page where you embedded your Riddle.

Most PDF generators use PHP. It is therefore easier to store the value from the form in a session cookie, which PHP can access. Normally we suggest storing Riddle event data in local storage, but to access local storage with PHP, you need to retrieve the values with JavaScript and pass them to PHP using POST. As many webservers have security in place to prevent POST data being passed to a page, using a session cookie is simpler as long as you limit the storage volume in the cookie to the allowed limit of 4KB (which is only about 1024 characters of Riddle data).

To use the data to print a PDF certificate, you need to create a second page, which you will use as an external result page in your Riddle. If you click through the Riddle on this page, it will take you to a custom result page. The code needed on that page is also pasted below, so please come back here later to read on.

// Clear the session cookie on page load.
document.cookie = "Participant_Name=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";

window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
    if ( !== "riddleEvent") {

    // is already a JavaScript object, no need to parse it.
    var eventData =;

    // Check if it is the 'Form_Submit' action - if it is, retrieve the name field.
    if (eventData.action === "Form_Submit") {
        // Find the name field in the form answers.
        const formAnswers = eventData.formAnswers;
        const nameField = formAnswers.find((answer) => answer.blockType === "Name");
        const nameValue =;

        // Store the answer value in a session cookie.
        document.cookie = "Participant_Name=" + nameValue + "; path=/;";

        // Write the value to the console for verification.
        console.log("Participant_Name stored: ", nameValue);

        // Push the url to the backend code of your certificate generator.
            key: "redirect_url",
            value: ""

Source code on the result page

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

// Check if the cookie exists.
if (isset($_COOKIE["Participant_Name"])) {
    // Assign the cookie value to a variable.
    $Participant_name = $_COOKIE["Participant_Name"];
} else {
    $Participant_name = 'Participant Name Not Found'; // Default message


$pdf = new \setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi();
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('riddle_certificate.pdf');
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1, \setasign\Fpdi\PdfReader\PageBoundaries::MEDIA_BOX);

$pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, ['adjustPageSize' => true]);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 36);
$pdf->SetTextColor(19, 100, 123); 
$pdf->SetY(145); // Adjust this value to your preference.
$pdf->Cell($pdf->GetPageWidth() - 20, 10, $Participant_name, 0, 1, 'C'); //Change the 0 to 1 to force a line break, since you don't call Ln() after this line.

$pdf->Output('I', 'generated.pdf');