Riddle Lab

Introducing Riddle Lab

Marketing is a dynamic field that evolves every year, hence it’s no surprise that myths and preconceptions often circulate around its techniques. Whether it’s outdated beliefs or misconceptions that stem from a lack of understanding.

These myths can hinder your marketing efforts and stunt your consumer research – therefore your growth.

We’re here to tackle these myths and provide a solution that’ll help you make data-driven decisions.

Introducing Riddle Lab, a platform that combines the power of quizzes and data analysis to give you a better understanding of your audience and their preferences.

Research Design

To achieve this objective, we will create our own quizzes and promote them to attract users.

Very importantly: we won’t disclose or retain any user data.

If you would like us to evaluate one of your quizzes, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to talk about it.

In the world of digital marketing, the small things can make a big difference.

One of these so-called small things is the number of fields on your lead form. It’s easy to assume that fewer fields mean more conversions, but have you ever tested this assumption?

The answer might surprise you. In fact, research shows that the number of fields on a lead form doesn’t necessarily impact conversion rates. It’s all about finding the right balance between collecting enough information to qualify your leads while not overwhelming them with too many fields.

But more in-depth information on that in each of our tests.

Riddle Lab is dedicated to helping you identify the best way to create a meaningful quiz and how to tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

In our research, we will be looking at different angles, trying out new innovative ways to use quizzes – not only to engage your customers but also to get to know them better.

How do we ensure that our research is accurate and effective?

With the right approach and research methodology, and by creating engaging quizzes with different questions, layouts, and setups as well as sharing them across various channels. We will gather data and statistically meaningful insights by ensuring a minimum of 30 – 50 randomized users per quiz.

We will define specific research questions which will guide us in creating our quizzes and help us to determine what we want to measure.

In order to ensure the accuracy and quality of our research will be transparent about our testing methodology and results. We will provide you with visualizations and explanations of our research.

We understand the importance of research, and in informing our strategies as well as decisions.

When it comes to creating quizzes, the same principle applies.

The Psychology Behind Quiz-Based Lead Generation: Why It Works

If you’re looking for ways to collect user information and generate leads for your business, you may be wondering what the best approach is.

How can you persuade people to willingly share personal information like their name, email address, or date of birth? And how can you ensure that the information they provide is truthful?

One approach that has been gaining traction in recent years is the use of quizzes for lead generation.
By creating relevant and engaging quizzes for your target audience, you can encourage people to willingly share their information with you. 

Why do quizzes work so well for lead generation?

Let’s explore the psychology behind it.
First and foremost: People love taking quizzes!

Whether it’s to learn something new, challenge themselves, or simply pass the time, quizzes provide a fun and entertaining way to engage with information.

This is backed up by research, which has shown that people are more likely to remember information they learn in a quiz format rather than in a traditional text-based format.

4 main reasons why they work:

  1. Fun and entertainment
    One of the primary reasons people love taking quizzes is because they’re fun and entertaining.
    Quizzes provide a lighthearted way to learn something new or test one’s knowledge on a particular topic. Whether it’s a trivia quiz, personality quiz, or IQ test, quizzes offer a way to challenge oneself and have fun at the same time.
  2. Self-discovery
    Another reason people enjoy taking quizzes is that they can provide insights into one’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Personality quizzes, in particular, have become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek to better understand themselves and their place in the world. By taking a quiz and receiving personalized results, people can better understand their own traits and tendencies.
  3. Social sharing
    Quizzes are also popular because they’re highly shareable. Many quizzes are designed to be shared with friends and family, which can be a fun way to interact with others and compare results. Whether it’s a “Which Harry Potter Character Are You?” quiz or a “How Well Do You Know Your Friends?” quiz, people love sharing their quiz results and engaging with others online.
  4. Engagement and interaction
    For businesses and marketers, quizzes can be a powerful tool for engaging with customers and building brand awareness. For example, a travel company could create a quiz that helps people find their ideal vacation destination, while a food brand could create a quiz that tests people’s knowledge of different cuisines.

Now we understand why people love taking quizzes, but we’re left with the question of the most effective way for gathering user information or creating a user profile.

How do we make the best use of the integrations, formats, and tools?
We will research this, and many more questions. Providing you with comprehensive insights to create a highly effective quiz.

A list of our experiments is below:

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