Personality quiz settings

These are personality quiz-specific settings that only appear in the personality quiz format Riddle.

  1. Go to the Settings section and click on Results: Personalities.
  2. Go to Result calculation based on to select how the personality result should be calculated.
    There are two options:
    • Total points achieved across all personalities
      Points scored for that results are divided by the total points scored for all results to give you a proportional score across the personalities.
    • The max. points possible for each personality
      Each result is calculated independently. Points scored for that result are divided by the maximum possible points for that result to give you a score.
  3. Go to Attribute result calculation baed on to select how the attribute results (if you are using attributes) should be calculated.
    There are two options:
    • Total points achieved across all attributes
      Points scored for that results are divided by the total points scored for all results to give you a proportional score across the attributes.
    • The max. points possible for each attribute
      Each result is calculated independently. Points scored for that result are divided by the maximum possible points for that result to give you a score.