API Docs


Found 6 routes



Gets a list of the riddles from a team / user.

You can use any combination of filters - for reference please view the list of available filters below.
JSON parameters
Name Type Required Description
team int If you want to get the riddles from a specific team, send the team ID here; if not sent, the riddles from the current user/team will be fetched (depending on the API key permissions)
type array null (= all) / Poll / Quiz / Form / Predictor
tags integer[] an array (!) of all the tag IDs that should get included
status string null (= all) / published / modified / draft
search string any search term
sortBy string created / published / modified
sortOrder string ASC / DESC
page int the page you want to fetch, if not sent you'll get the first page (10 riddles per page)



Publishes a riddle with the specified UUID.

Route parameters
Name Type Required Description
UUID string X The Riddle UUID you want to publish



Unpublishes a riddle with the specified UUID.

Route parameters
Name Type Required Description
UUID string X The Riddle UUID you want to unpublish



Renames a riddle with the specified UUID.

Route parameters
Name Type Required Description
UUID string X The Riddle UUID you want to rename
JSON parameters
Name Type Required Description
title string X the new title of the given Riddle



Gets the embed code for a given Riddle.

Route parameters
Name Type Required Description
UUID string X The UUID of the Riddle you want to get the embed code for. Also works with old V1 IDs.



Gets a riddle with a specific UUID.

Route parameters
Name Type Required Description
UUID string X The UUID of the Riddle you want to retrieve