Trusted by thousands of brands

Manchester BBC Oxfam CNN Greenpeace LinkedIn ChicagoBulls

Get started now. it’s simple.

  • Create content quicker

    Create content in minutes with our no-code, visual content creator.

  • Hand-tailor the experience

    Ask specific questions based on how customers previously answered.

  • Match your brand’s style

    Use one global style preset to control the look on all your content.

  • Capture leads flexibly

    Collect lead info how you want, in bits throughout the Riddle or all at once.

  • Enrich and segment your leads

    Combine data from answers and results with form data.

Get started now Let's talk
  • Personality quizzes
  • Graded quizzes
  • Timed quizzes
  • Product recommendations
  • Contests & giveaways
  • Audience polls
  • Employee surveys
  • Listicles
  • Sponsored content
  • And more...
Our plans are unlimited. No need to worry about views, how many times a Riddle is taken, or how much data is collected.

Publish anywhere

Your Riddle quiz will work on any site, from Wordpress to Wix, Squarespace to Shopify. No complicated code – it’s as easy as embedding a YouTube video.

Your Riddle, your brand

Live up to your branding standards with our appearance editor or dive deeper with custom CSS. Plus, any content you create is white-labelled.

Collect rich leads

Convert better leads and export to 5,000 of your favorite marketing tools - from HubSpot and Klavijo to Salesforce and Google Sheets.

Get started now. it’s simple.

We take care of the details.
So you don't have to.

Lightning-fast support

We are proud to average 2.1 minutes to respond.


Quizzes look great on any device - desktop, tablet, phone... you name it.

Fully accessible content

WCAG 2.1-compliant to meet everyone’s needs.

Get started now. it’s simple.

For marketing

Fantastic for generating better leads

Riddle Creator and Embed on a Laptop
I thought quizzes wouldn’t work. I was wrong - my first quiz got a 68% opt-in rate… 10X better than my previous email collection tools.
Merilyn Beretta
Merilyn Beretta Founder LeadYourWorld
We’ve reduced our acquisition costs by 60% with Riddle. It enables us to engage people better - which means they convert (and buy!) far more often.
Merilyn Beretta
Laura Sagen Founder The Hair Fuel